
The purposes of this new blog

It has been a while for considering to begin this blog under the title Genomics AI. After years of diving into Genomics research, I found the best way and the only way to fully reveal the underneath networks in genomics. This blog will have multiple purposes as below:

  • My personal reflects in life and career.
  • Recording the development of my personal projects.
  • Sharing the new knowledges and technologies from academics.
  • Storing the tutorials I made for bioinformatics analyses.
  • Listing useful resources in everything I learn.

Below is the potential categories I aim to cover:

  • Notes
    • Bioinformatics tools
    • R
    • Python
    • Shell
    • Single cell sequencing analyses
    • Tensorflow
  • Tutorials

  • Reports
    • Genomics
    • Datasets
    • Computational methods
  • Projects
    • lncRNAexp
    • GPM
    • Genomkit
  • Tips
    • Bioinformatics Tips
    • Data Analysis Tips
    • Programming Tips
    • Research Tips
  • Knowledge

  • Personal
    • Blog

More to come.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.